Friday, December 05, 2008

Alongside with a group of youngsters near the Gateway. The T shirts say: Enough is enough!

After sitting at home and watching tv...I felt I needed to do something. There were mixed reports about the Citizen candle get-together that was to be held at the Gateway of India. Some said it may be a ploy for terrorists to attack again. When I do not know what to do, I do nothing so I waited. My friend called and said if I wanted to do something that evening. That was the cue. I said yes, let us go to Leopold and Gateway.
My God, the people present at the Gateway.Over a lakh definitely. They were angry but contained.I think I may have been part of History. This kind of choice of 'removing blinkers and take action' was seen during our Independance. Today we are better equipped with computers, mobile phones... I repeat ad nauseum that this 'umang' to do something, which has to be constructive...does not die down! But it seems that, it may not! I had a Geeta class which I conduct for the young...and I said that maybe the death of so many young ones and old, was not in vain. It was a call to awaken! Dear God grant those gone, peace, those left behind strength...and the citizens a way lit up in the right direction!

Alongside: Me at the Leopold restaurant. Look under the frame. You will see the mark that the AK47 and terrorists left...chilling!
But what was heart warming was that the restaurant was full! No fear!

Like Kunal Merchant say: Even though the entire country has been victimised, the terrorists have failed because we are alive and we shall hold a kindled flame of hope. Just like it took some of the terrorists to victimise an entire country, it will take some of us to destroy their disease.

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