Monday, July 12, 2010

Rohini Gupta with her just released book 'Mantramala'
I have known Rohini for many years...I have attended her classes and learned Tarot from her. What particularly changed my life was what she taught me about Belief systems...I shall always be grateful to her for the latter, so imagine my surprise when I learned that she has acknowledged me in her book...
She writes:
...To Ram Maheshwary of the Times of India who encouraged me to conduct five years of Sunday morning mantra workshops at the Times building, Mumbai in which I was able to test my methods with large groups of people. Thanks also to Shakun Narian of Times Foundation...

'Mantras are a tool of the mind which can, with the appropriate effort and belief, influence your life. Associated as they are, with the distant past it is often assumed that they are not of much relevance today. Rohini Gupta has spent years questioning this assumption. In 'Mantramala' she presents mantras with an easy elegance that bridges the gap between the traditional ethos and the technological world of the twentyfirst century'

Her book is really wonderful and easy to read and learn and apply the mantras...
Follows a paragraph:

"The name Sanskrit' means 'perfectly put together': 'krita' means 'crafted' and 'sam' means 'perfect'. so 'sam-krita', well crafted'...If you could see the higher levels of consciousness, for example, you could see the form of Shiva manifest when 'Om namah Shivaya' is recited. The rishis who gave us the mantras, saw the forms on higher levels of consciousness and described what they saw. Their description became the form of the deities, an attempt to depict the formless vibrations from a much subtler realm.

...'Sanskrit is considered the most perfect language as it was created to translate the divine vibration in the only way we can comprehend it, which is through words in the form of mantras...Sanskrit was mantric vibration which later solidified into language' ...Sanskrit is called 'dev-vani' the speech of the gods, and the script is called 'dev-nagari' the city of the gods'...

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