Monday, October 25, 2010

To win or not to win-Krishna
Krishna killed the tyrant King Kansa and destroyed demons like Kirti , Agha, Baka and Ghotaka. He defeated powerful wrestlers like Chanoor and Mustika. He subdued a venomous snake called Kalia…
Osho believes in the above context that he alone wins who does not desire to win and he who wants to win, loses…absence of this desire to win means the person concerned has already won…If someone is not out to win it means he has already established in his eminence, there is not even a shade of inferiority in him to disprove by resorting to winning…If one does not seek anything, it means he does not lack it, he already has it.
There is nothing extraordinary if Krishna won because of his strength.
Then the demons would have won if they had been stronger than Krishna.

Jesus says: Blessed are the meek because they shall inherit the earth…
A child is not concerned about winning , he is only interested in playing the game.
On the other hand the demons are anxious to win , and that too against an innocent and meek child who has no idea of victory or defeat, who takes everything as play. And the demons are defeated at his hands. This is as it should be’

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