Friday, December 10, 2010

Chapter 3 Lesson 13At this point, Arjuna becomes more introspective. He realizes that there are certain forces that work against higher impulses.
Arjuna asks a question which has occurred to most of us at a certain point in our lives.
Arjuna asks: “Why does man sin, against his wishes, as it were, by force?”
Krishna answers: Man sins due to desire. It is due to the anger born of the “active” all devouring, all sinful; know this (anger, obsession) to be the enemy (What makes one sin) in this case.
My note:
I would think that ‘desire’ here would mean a constant agitation of the mind, an uncontrollable obsession to gain something. At this points ones mind gets so deluded that one does not think how many, one tramples and hurts to achieve the coveted goal.
How is anger connected to desire?
Just think about the following: Anger arises when a desire is obstructed. Take some simple examples:
1) One expects (desires) that a person should be on time, the other person is late, One gets angry.
2) One expects (desires) to be appreciated. One is not appreciated, one gets angry.
3) One expects to win a ‘battle’ a ‘game’one does not. One gets angry…
|Krishna gives three different examples to illustrate how desire and anger can delude our rational capacity.
1) As fire is enveloped by smoke
2) As a mirror by dust
3) As an embryo by the womb.
It is interesting to note that Lord Buddha also claimed that the reason for our ‘suffering’ is unbridled desire.

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