On Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Jesus was born in a stable, in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth. Jesus was baptized by his cousin John. Baptism, is the 'marking' with holy water, of babies. By becoming baptized, it is believed that sins are washed away, and the babies, become members of the Christian community. (Hindus believe that their sins are washed away by bathing in the Ganges River)
Three kings, or the adoring magi came from the east, to pay respect to baby Jesus, and brought for him gifts, from their far off land. The kings had seen a bright star, which foretold, the coming of a divine child! Angels announced Jesus’ birth and shepherds called people to worship him.
You may have heard the carol: Silent night, Holy night…
Maybe it is reminding us that just like the morning comes after the night, so the birth of Jesus will bring to an end, all the fighting in the world.
Jesus stated that unless grown ups become innocent like children, they will not be allowed to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
The prophet Isaiah had foretold that a great light would appear at the birth of the divine child Jesus.
Maybe it meant that people would be cleansed of all bad thoughts and actions and become simple and innocent.
The birth of a child reminds one of a new beginning.
I have read that Christmas is not only a festival that belongs to the Christians and children, but to the child in all the grown-ups.
The message of Christmas is that of hope, cheer, love and Peace!
Shall we spread it, the best way we know how?
With love,
Dadi Ma Nani Ma