Saturday, October 13, 2007

Understanding Hinduism

The moral viewpoint of the vegetarians’ belief is based on the theories of Ahimsa and Karma. Ahimsa believes In non-aggression and non-violence on any living creature and the law of karma proclaims that we are the builders of our own destiny and that from good deeds joy shall come and from evil deeds, suffering.

Since meat-eating would necessitate the slaughter of animals which is a violation of the ahimsa theory, vegetarians do not indulge in non-vegetarian food as they do not want to increase their karmic debts by partaking of flesh.

The yogis claim that a vegetarian diet is conducive to meditation.

Today, new biological discoveries tend to show that flesh eating is not essential for good health and some biologists are even of the opinion that flesh eaters are more susceptible to illness than vegetarians.

The ancient Hindus were however not fanatic about whether to eat meat or abstain from it but looked more Into the practical aspect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No disrespect to Hinduism

I am a strong supporter of both veg and non-veg diet. I think if Inida has to come out of the slave-mentality and successfully tackle the threats then Indians must stop being excessive non-violent. For this purpose non-veg food is a must and is useful too.

Swami Vivekananda was positive on eating non-veg food. He said that if India wants not to be vulnerable then Indian people at large must start consuming non-veg food, as non-veg food is essential for you to be fit for adverse conditions.

I am giving the part of the letter Swamiji has written:
"About vegetarian diet I have to say this : first, my Master was a vegetarian; but if he was given meat offered to the Goddess, he used to hold it up to his head. The taking of life is undoubtedly sinful; but so long as vegetable food is not made suitable to the human system through progress in chemistry, there is no other alternative but meat-eating. So long as man shall have to live a Râjasika (active) life under circumstances like the present, there is no other way except through meat-eating. It is true that the Emperor Asoka saved the lives of millions of animals by the threat of the sword; but is not the slavery of a thousand years more dreadful than that?

Taking the life of a few goats as against the inability to protect the honour of one's own wife and daughter, and to save the morsels for one's children from robbing hands ; which of these is more sinful? Rather let those belonging to the upper ten, who do not earn their livelihood by manual labour, not take meat; but the forcing of vegetarianism upon those who have to earn their bread by labouring day and night is one of the causes of the loss of our national freedom. Japan is an example of what good and nourishing food can do. "