Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Note from Divyaa Kummar
Dearest all, posted below is a forwards thank to nandinie, on the eclipses!

My personal view on the eclipses: the more you are in sync with Self; the more you are in The Now; the more is it all cosmic 'play' - the less will eclipses (as ultimately they belong to separation - time - rules within the human mind ) 'affect' you;

"When there’s no wall, there is no need of a window"-Rumi

Also the solar eclipse is the moon coming in between earth and sun- the moon symbolizes briefly put...the yin, divine feminine, unconscious, pure beingness; and the sun symbolizes briefly put the yang -conscious mind and its deepest pure awareness ; so to me it describes more than portends what's happening- the rise of the unconscious- divine feminine within us- merging with the 'conscious mind'... conscious awareness of the unconscious... call it the human kundalini rising ... call it moving into supra consciousness.... call it transformation... towards a newer sun and moon within us...into a new awareness;new beingness; thus the increased intuition every one speaks about -as intuition literally means in touch with Self beyond just knowledge;

For those who want to know how to read the below astro input forwarded thanks to nandinie - check your horoscopes to see your 'ascendant'; in Indian charts its called your 'lagna'; that is your first house, and sequentially following it are houses 2-12 (many charts number the houses anyways); the eclipse is occurring in cancer-so check which house has the zodiac sign cancer - and that and its opposite house is what the below chart combination refers to: for example if I have cancer in my 12th house- then I read the 12/6 combo; if cancer is my 11th house I read the 11/5 combo... also deepens if major planets in it; ofcourse below info is brief- some of you who have my calendars can get more info on what the houses mean thus what area is most impacted for you-or google ... solar eclipse in zodiac signs etc read on astro website!

-The sun and moon are in the same Astrological Sign - and thus there is great power within the energy of that sign...

Enjoy,be in touch with Self , be on the brink of all things good through the eclipse...allow all that's done to go and all that's to be fulfilled to come in!

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