Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I have been to Vaishno Devi…and it was an awesome experience…

While I was in Barcelona (Dec 2005) I had the good luck of visiting Montserrat.

Allow me to share my experience with you!

The mountain looks like, well what can I say? See the photograph yourself.

What is Montserrat?

Is it a mountain…A church…a monastery…?

For me it was beautiful experience!

Hinduism believes in the power of Mother…so does Christianity and many other faiths!

What I find fascinating is that a lot of Mother temple and churches are in the mountains…I am sure that it means something…maybe ‘Mother’ sits Highest or that She is the Feminine Principle of Our Creator…

Who is Mother God?

Sylvia Browne writes:

… In some of my earlier books, I addressed the existence of a female God, but did not offer information on Her functions. How far can She go? What does She look like? Why and when can we call on Her, and what are Her guidelines?

… From the beginning of recorded history, the Mother God or Goddess has played a major part not only in creation, but also as the great interceptor. In fact, She takes on many different roles and appears to us in many different ways.

Elizabeth A. Johnson, SCJ, is a Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University and the author of numerous books. In “A Theological Case for God-She” (Commonweal Magazine, January 29, 1993), she states that the scriptures abound with female imagery of the Deity. She adds that there’s no reason we can’t use this imagery ourselves when we think about God. Johnson describes some of Azna’s (Mother's)various roles and appearances, citing the following scriptural evidence:
She is the giver of life who pervades the cosmos like a mother bird hovering over the primordial chaos (Genesis 1:2). She shelters those in difficulty under Her wings (Psalm 17:8) and bears up the enslaved on Her great wings toward freedom (Exodus 19:4). Like a mother, She knits new life together in the womb (Psalm 139:13); like a midwife, She works deftly to bring about the new creation (Psalm 22:9–10); like a washerwoman, She scrubs away bloody stains of sin (Psalm 51:7). These and other such symbols invoke the exuberant, life-giving power of women.
Names for the Mother God
Just as God the Father is known by many names—Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, God, Om, Father, and a few more—names for the Mother God number in the hundreds, depending on the culture, the country, or the need people have for Her at any given time.
She has more names than God the Father. She is known as the love goddess, the killer goddess, the retribution goddess, the protection goddess, and the fertility giver. She is known as Mary and as Ajysyt, the Mother Goddess of the Yakuts of Siberia who records every new birth in a golden book and brings our souls to Earth for birth. She is also called Pinga, the benevolent Inuit goddess who protects all living creatures. In Lithuania, she is Ausrine, the goddess of dawn. In Babylonia, she was Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld. As an aside, Mother God was known by the ancient Israelites as Asherah and was considered by many to be the bride of Yahweh. Isn’t it amazing what time does to history, or vice versa?

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