Monday, April 02, 2007

The Universe is Waiting to Take Your Order
by Susan Ann Darley

What would you like? A new car, your dream home, a new career? No problem. Just ask and believe it is so. Then it will be. Does that sound too simplistic? Years ago I was told the story of masters that literally went from town to town and manifested the needs and desires of the townspeople. They were happy to do so, but they secretly wished the people would do it for themselves. But they didn't because they did not believe that it was possible.

We live in a world of possibilities. God is creative energy waiting for you to mold and shape a life for yourself that is filled with what you love.

If it is that simple, then why don't we? Sometimes we simply do not know what we want. Or we do have a moment of clarity and ask and we do receive only to find out later we didn't want it after all. Or we ask, and like a little child beating on a highchair, we demand our own timing and walk away disillusioned when our desires do not manifest quickly.

There are three simple secrets to manifesting your desires: clarity, alignment and faith.

Let's begin with clarity. In order to achieve clarity you must become quiet. There is a sacred space inside of you that will allow you to feel your truth and see clearly what you want. But how do we become quiet in today's world with "To do" lists that shout at us and stifle our inner voice? Take control of your life. You are the author of your "To do" list, so now become the editor.

What is truly important to you? How did you feel in the aftermath of September 11? Pull back the feelings and rededicate your life to what is meaningful to you. Create time for you so you may learn to tap into your true desires.

This act leads to alignment with your higher self. Your personality may resist the quietness of your non-acts, but pay no heed to it. It usually gets top billing, so it reacts strongly when bumped! Tell it "No, this is my time."

When you align with your soul you will understand your true desires and wishes. You may even acquire a greater clarity, which reveals to you why some past personality wishes have not manifested.

Ultimately our lives are being guided through our souls. When we become quiet and align with our higher self we instantly have an expansive understanding of our lives. We begin to realize that many choices and decisions are made on higher ground. Our ability to become quiet and tap into our sacred space allows us to align with those choices at a conscious level. And with that understanding comes peace - the powerful poise that allows us to make wise requests of the universe for our highest good and the good of others.

And with that understanding comes wisdom -- that leads to "letting go in faith" and "letting God." Often easier said than done. But how else can you rebuild your world if not from faith? Faith allows for the divine to enter your life as the grand architect of your dreams. Faith is the incubator for your deepest desires to manifest in perfect time.

Clarity, alignment and faith are the three simple requirements to discover and live a life of deep and personal satisfaction. And once they are mastered, you will no longer be ruled by your personality's demands that conflict with your soul's purpose.

What do you want? Quiet…..go deeper and listen. Tap into your passion and wrap it around your dreams and desires. Now - with gratitude, place your order with the universe and let go in peace and walk in faith expectant of your good. And it shall be.

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