Sunday, March 07, 2010

Painting: My daughter Madhavi
Women's DayTomorrow March the 8th is Women's Day.
I have written a book on the Power of the Feminine (qualities like compassion, love)
It is up for free perusal on my website.

The passage of the Women's Reservation Bill is a big victory for the cause of gender equality.
Maybe one day a woman will not need a special day...just like a man does not...because every day will be a woman's day like a man's has been since times immemorial...the reason for being man's day every day? Because man was physically (not in matters of health but physical strength) stronger...he needed to go out to hunt while the woman was supposed to keep the home fires burning...That scenario has changed!
I have always maintained that Meerabai was one of the 1st women who lived life on her own terms...and this week she features 1st in the Crest Edition of the Times of India.
Meerabai (1498-1547)
'...Meerabai has come to represent the enigmatic and indomitable nature of femininiy in its inevitable confrontation with the world. A cosmic consciousness, for which the world is not enough'

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