Sunday, March 06, 2011

Chapter 5 Lesson 4

My note:
Do you know why the Lotus Flower is the National flower of India?
The Lotus symbolizes divinity, knowledge and enlightenment.
Why does it symbolize the above?
Because despite the fact that the lotus is born and grows in mud, it is untouched by it!
That is the way a truly Spiritual man must live in this world.
Though living midst negativity, he remains clean.
The Lotus flower therefore also symbolizes purity of heart and mind.
It is for the above reason that the lotus is ‘held’ by many Gods and Goddesses and is often used in religious practices.

Lord Krishna in the 10th Verse of Chapter 5, states:
He who acts offering all actions to God, and shaking off attachment, remains untouched by sin, as the lotus leaf by water.

If you would like to read what I have written so far, Click:

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