Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chapter 3 Lesson 8
In the last lesson we got acquainted with the terms ‘Sat Raj and Tam’ short forms for: Sattwa (Truth) Rajas (Action) Tamas (Inertia). I mentioned that these terms are Primordial matter of Nature, Prakriti… how?
Man is made up of the above 3 qualities, in more or less different measure. That is reasonably easy to understand.
Now let us take a ‘day’ During the mornings, the Sat Tatwa is more at work. That is why it is easier to meditate in the morning, listen to Spiritual meditative music, etc
During the early and late afternoon, the Rajas Tatwa is more active. One performs ones life activities, whatever they may be during this time.
…and what does one do during the evening and night? Most actions (that for want of a better term) are less positive…and those are by and large ‘Tamasic Activities’
Now let us analyze Actions.
Let us analyze a so called good deed like ‘charity’ or ‘giving’.
When you give to make a ‘name’ for yourself, to inflate your ego, that ‘giving will be termed as a ‘Rajasic activity’
When you give in order to exploit the taker, it will be termed as a ‘Tamasic Activity’
When you give for the sake of giving without looking for the fruits thereof, your giving will be Satwic….

To read what I have written so far, click:

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