Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter 3 Lesson 14

We have understood in the last lesson:
1) Man sins due to unbridled desire
2) Anger is born when desire is not fulfilled
3) Desire and anger delude our rational capacity
How is desire generated?
In the 40th Verse of the 3rd Chapter, Krishna states that the seat of ‘desire’ is the ‘senses’

My note:What does the above mean?
It means the eyes see something and it desires it
Similarly with the other senses, one desires to see, smell, taste, hear, touch.
In other words:
External stimuli reach the mind through the sense organs.
The sense organs function without restraint.
When the desires are not fulfilled or take their own time, it gives birth to sorrow.
Strangely, I have read that there are 2 reasons for suffering:
1) When your desires are not fulfilled
2) When your desires are fulfilled
So then what is the solution?
The right application of knowledge or in today’s parlance, the right attitude.

To read what I have written so far, click:

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