Friday, December 31, 2010

Thought on The New Year 

Thought One

Every New Year, there is one thing that most of us will indulge in,  ie making new resolutions.

But do they work? And if they do, for how long? I would like to share with you something that I read in  'Awaken the Giant within'  by Anthony Robbins that seems to make sense.

Associate pain with a habit that you are desperately trying to break... I remember, my son,  when he was younger would offer his friends a chocolate with the quip "Have a pimple!"

If you hit a level of pain that you aren't willing to settle for anymore you change your old habits or way of living. You could get fed up when you cannot fit into your clothes, or when  you cannot bear another hangover, or the sight of the pained look of your wife when you have lost your last penny at the gambling table...finally you say, ' I have had it ' and you make a decision. 

Charles M. Sheldon states: Good resolutions are like babies crying in church. They should be carried out immediately.

It is the desire to remove pain from your life and establish the pleasure of self esteem.

May all your dreams come true this coming year. May we have the strength to kick our old debilitating habits and may we all experience  tremendous pleasure at the idea of adopting a new empowering Life.

Have a great year!

Another fresh new year is here

Another year to live

To banish worry, doubt and fear,

To love and laugh and give!

This bright New Year is given me,

To live each day with zest,

To daily grow and try to be,

my highest and my best!

I have the opportunity

Once more to right some wrongs,

to pray for peace to plant a tree,

and sing more joyful songs

William A Ward


1 comment:

Jeetu said...

Hello Madam...

Wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Its really interesting to see, we in India, celebrate New Year, many times.

In Gujarat, the new year is just a day after diwali, For Punjab its basant panchami, For tamil its Apr. 14.

Its amazing but Incredible India!

Best wishes for New Year once again