Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Chapter 4 Lesson 4
In Chapter 4 Verse 12 Krishna says: They who long for satisfaction from actions in this world, make sacrifices to the gods…
Let us understand the term ‘gods’ in the context of the Geeta.
We have already learned that a
Yajna could mean any social, communal, national or personal activity into which the individual is ready to pour himself forth entirely in a spirit of service and dedication…

‘Yajna’ is stated as a sacrifice to the gods.
In another verse Krishna claims that those who worship the gods, go to the gods and those who worship Him come to Him.
Easy enough to understand I think!

My note:
You will be surprised to note that Spiritual parlance speaks of Vidya and Avidya.
Vidya is the ‘knowledge and activities that takes one towards God.
Avidya (Please note, the opposite of Vidya is not moorkhta or ignorance) is the knowledge that one requires to survive in the world.

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