Sunday, February 05, 2012

Ms Rita Sumaya invited us to a Talk by Ms Patricia Smith. She introduced to us 'The way to Heal, Rejuvinate, Transform and Enlighten Life' as taught by Dr Zhi Gang Sha'

The Divine appeared to Dr Zhi and explained: "...Software is a program. Because you asked me to, I transmitted or downloaded my Soul Software program for Liver to Walter. It is one of my permanent healing and blessing treasures..."

"...Why do I not explain complicated theories? Because it is not complicated!
Heal the soul first, then healing of the mind and body will follow...

A practice:
"...Apply love for a few minutes
Say hello with me
Say: Dear soul, mind, body of my (choose one organ or part of the body)
I love you
You have the power to heal yourself
Do a good job
Love has the power to heal you
Allow love to heal you

For more:
Read the Power of the Soul by Dr Zhi Gang Sha

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