Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Left: These are the same Thakurs, I spoke about in my last blog, dressed in all their finery in my home temple!

I am not saying that all your wishes come true at the precise time that you want them to.
I believe in the Karma theory.
Some karmas are time bound. eg: You were not on speaking terms with tried hard to repair the relationship...nothing happens...and suddenly your friend come and speaks with you...and tells you to forget about what happened....In Osho's words: Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
Another Karma is bound by 'efforts and/or prayers...
The third type of karma whatever you do, nothing just have to go through it...
Since while you are going through the 'karma' you do not know which type you are dealing have to put in your efforts and prayers.
Sometimes you come under the Law of Grace and your 'one chance in a million' comes to pass

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