Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alongside Swami Nirmal and myself. Swamiji patiently answered all my queries. He is now in his 80s and lives in Amritsar. He was visiting Bombay last week and I was so happy to go and visit him there!

Swami Nirmal Chetan was born in Amritsar. He was only one year old when his mother died.

His father married a second time and had more children.

The boy whenever lonely would turn to the soothing prayer hymns that would emanate from the Golden Temple.

At the age of 21 he met his Master Swami Nirmal from Punjab, who seemed to be the answer to all his longings and prayers. The Master refused to initiate him as he would not allow him to run away from his household duties.

Alone and dejected Swami Nirmal Chetan headed towards the Himalayas where he had a near - death experience. He experienced visions of an indescribable nature which filled his soul in such a manner that he experienced fear and loneliness no more.

On his return his Master had to admit that he was made for the spiritual path.

I met Swamiji at a time when the answer to my one question would give rise to a dozen more. Many other masters that I came across during that time would find my questions impertinent or maybe they thought that I was trying to test their knowledge.

As far as I can look into the recesses of my heart that was not true, I really wanted to know.

What endeared Swamiji to me, was his extreme patience and equilibrium of character.

Swamiji’s teachings are simple. He says that:

God has given us one room (heart). It is up to us whether we want to turn that room into a Hotel or Godown or a Temple. That is we could spend our lives being attached to different people in which case we would have turned our “room heart” into a hotel. We could fill our room heart” with material things (possessions) in which case we will have turned it into a Godown, or we could convert our heart into a Temple where we could place the Lord at its altar.

Do read more, Click:

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