Saturday, March 22, 2008

We have always been told that Life is our own Creation.

I Read an article by Jim Donovan and I thought that the following was rather interesting:
Let's supposing for a moment you're in a bad mood. You're feeling pretty negative. At that particular moment in time your personal vibration, the energy of your thoughts and words is in the lower frequencies. Let's call this particular mood "Frequency X" Now somewhere off in the distant Universe, there is another negative experience. Maybe it's a flat tyre whose frequency happens to be "X" as well. By virtue the law of attraction, you will begin attracting that or some other undesirable experience to you. There are no accidents. The Universe works on a specific set of principals that do not waiver. Like attracts like whether we believe it or not...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree. We manufacture our own heaven and can make a heaven even in hell. This world is neither good nor evil. Each man manufactures a world for himself. Life is positive or negative according to the state of mind in which we look at it, it is neither by itself.